This is just a normal everyday part of life for us. We are part of Neilson's HomeScan program. Everything we buy comes home and gets scanned in like this. The gift rewards you can earn are really not that great, but the satisfaction that companies are actually hearing my choice to buy organic veggies, to buy almost all fruits and veggies, to buy almond milk
, to buy cheese without hormones.. that is what makes it worth it. And yes, they even find out when I give in to temptation and pick up the bag of Bugles
too! The kids love them.. call them tornado chips. When you have that much fun with your food, how can you not get it occasionally?!
We had just gotten home from stocking up for the big rain storm that we have watched come across the ocean from Japan, and devastate parts of California.. best to be prepared for the worst. After all, it is a 30-45 minute drive over the mountain to get back to the store.. in either direction.
Yes, that is the little ten gallon fish tank
behind me that holds our three family fish. The wire cage holds our two female gerbils. Up on the table you can see the Green Star juicer
and the pitcher for our Vita-Mix.
I swear it feels like we live in a giant slider puzzle at times!
I swear it feels like we live in a giant slider puzzle at times!