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Day Five

These magnetic foam shapes just seemed to call out to be photographed today. They have become a constant  on our coffee table in the living room. I am starting to wonder if I should find a home for them there! I am so glad that they are enjoying this Christmas gift so much. I love watching them build and explore things. I love watching these random shapes spark their creativity. They have become robots, trees, boats, and spaceships over the last few days. They have laid on their magnetic boards at times, and at other times they have been carried across the room. Okay, I mean they "fly" across the room. I love the way all of their toys seem to get together and can be played with at the same time. Even when their sizes are so different, they can still call to each other and be best friends.

Day Four

January 15th was my baby's seventh birthday. They grow up so fast. I swear it feels like just yesterday that he was crawling up into my lap to breastfeed.. okay, okay, so that really was two years ago. A couple of days ago Little A started asking for his first two wheel bike. I can't believe his first one needs to be a 20" bike. When did he get so big?! I have to admit I was relieved because I had not come up with an idea of what to give him for a birthday present yet. I hate buying stuff just to buy it.. his request came at just the perfect time. To make the whole thing even better, the J-man asked to have his training wheels taken off. That means I don't have to buy training wheels, just move them from one bike to the other. Yeah! Doesn't he look happy sitting up there on the new bike he picked out?! And wouldn't you know, big brother is not just sitting in the close background, but actually holding his little brother steady on the new bicycle. I love when they watch out for each other like that!

To go get the birthday boy's new bicycle we got into the car and went up this side of the mountain..

...and back down the other side of the mountain. Notice the road sign at the side of the road.

Here is a closer view for you... I love this road.. and the one leading out of the other side of the valley. Having a manual transmission car, I get to the top of the hill, and just push in the clutch and coast down. Mind you, I end up keeping my foot on the brakes most of the way down.. it is quite easy to achieve speeds over a hundred if you are not paying attention. Since the road does curve it's way back and forth, and it is not designed for those speeds, you will also find the all too familiar flowers and tributes along the edge of the road. This road is fantastic on the gas mileage! Of course we pay for it going back up it, but taking life one moment at a time, just enjoy the ride down...
Yes, that sign does say it is a 6% grade for the next five miles, and that is a warning for the stoplight at the bottom of the hill. We pass by such exciting things as emergency truck pull offs. We drive through the mountain watching the rocks pass right outside the windows of our car. The drive is a fantastic training course in offensive driving, and occasionally in defensive driving.
As we pass over the mountain, every so often we see glimpses between the rocks of what lies beyond.. the vast expanse of low land with the river snaking its' way from north to south across the landscape..

Day Three

I went in the bedroom to find these adorable fuzzy kitties curled up on the bed. I went to get the camera, and when I came back the expression on Mario's face seemed to be saying to me, "My sister is sleeping.. leave her alone." It is great the way that he seems to be so protective of Snowshoe.
I think this might just be the cutest batch of kittens we have ever had. I love the fact that they have tail stubs.. daddy must have been at least part Manx. It makes the way that they walk and jump different from normal cats. I swear they look like they must be part bunny rabbit!

When I finished snapping a few shots and started to leave, this was the reaction I got. I'm not sure if they were objecting to me leaving or the camera turning off. Either way, they melt my heart several times a day. My declaration that I was only going to keep two cats from now on seems to have flown out the window. I don't think I am capable of letting these two adorable kitties leave the house.. so much for my resolve!

Day Two

I went outside to try to capture the beauty of the storm clouds over the mountain in the distance, and then started to look around the house. This gorgeous flower caught my attention. I saw it on a bush just below my front porch.

Now since I can not stand having to choose just one photo, I thought I would share a bit more of what I saw from my front porch.

A view looking over the back yard from the side of the house.. I loved the darkness of the mountain outline against the lightness of the sky, with the clouds just hanging in the air. This is a common sight for us living here, but I hope that I never take for granted the beauty of it.

The mountains to the east of us can be just barely seen over the tops of the house next door. I love the way you can actually see the rain falling at such a distance, and I have always been fascinated by seeing the edge of the storm.. See the sweeping rain at the left in the picture, and the rolling clouds at the right?

See.. trees, big fluffy clouds.. they really do exist in Arizona! Our deciduous trees leave their leaves in the winter just like they do every where else. They may look a little bit funny with their thin leaves, but they behave just like a normal tree!

This lovely cactus graces the front of our house with its' splendor. I love the unique shape that it's "branches" have. It is actually so large that it covers the entirety of the front of the house. I thought this close up was a much friendlier view.

I didn't think pictures from the desert be complete with a good old standard barrel cactus. This spiny guy lives in the shadow of the one above. I have been assured by my boys that when you get him all wet, he turns red.. and there really is no room in there for even wind blown garbage to get caught.. Those red spines do a fantastic job of protecting the succulent green plant within.

Day One

I thought I would start out my year in pictures by introducing myself. Would you believe that I actually took this photo in my bathroom, using the mirror? I actually had my daughter wondering if this was some photo from the toy train exhibit we visited at the arboretum during our visit to my mother's is Madison, WI. If only this was the view out my window.. but I'm sure to show you some of those in the upcoming days.

Project 365

It's official.. I've been sucked in. I've been watching as some friends got into the idea of a new photograph for every day.. secretly I have been jealous of them for doing it. I suddenly realized that I didn't have to be jealous, I could join them! So, a few days into the year, but I thought I would give it a go.

I'm sure I won't have a problem getting the camera out every day. I do wonder if I will be able to chose just one photo each day.. or if I have to limit myself to just one... I also wonder how long I will be able to maintain getting a picture uploaded and posted each day. Wish me luck, and leave some comments to keep me encouraged!