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Day Twenty-Two

Meet Romeo. He is our cat, and was born into our house. Our wonderful mama kitty, Nora, gave birth to him in the fall of 2008. He is Muffin's brother. Miss Nora decided as he grew out of kittenhood that he wasn't allowed to be in the house anymore, and kicked him out. Despite this he has never left us. He is a well loved member of our family, and protects us from the outside world as much as a cat can. Romeo is such a lover.. he loves to give hugs, and sit in laps. He even comes to the window to say hello to us everyday. And then Miss Nora comes running over to the window hissing. Sigh.. oh well.

Day Twenty-One

I guess those training wheels just weren't necessary after all! This is just one of those precious moments in life that any parent would treasure. I am so proud of him. He came into the house and says, "Mom, would you come watch me ride my bike?" Well, of course I had to grab the camera. and boy was I glad I did!

Day Twenty

This was a great kick in the pants to get me to finally take the training wheels off of Jimmy's bicycle. After all, what good will this do him? I am absolutely amazed at at how this training wheel just fell apart.. not to mention how shredded the wheel itself is! I'm thinking I will have to buy new training wheels for Alex's new bike after all. I was hoping that he might just skip them and try to keep up with his big brother. No luck, he went back to the tricycle and the scooter. Oh well, new training wheels it is then!  

Day Nineteen

The kids were fascinated to have pulled this cookie out of the package. My thoughts were fairly simple.. BONUS, I like vanilla better anyways! I love the pattern on this cookie. My love for patterns seems to be flaring up again.. I hope you are enjoying seeing these patterns through my eyes.