Now this is a rare treat. You just don't normally see this much water on the ground here.. unless a pipe burst, or someone left the garden hose on! This was just the very beginning of the rain today. A couple of toys seem to have escaped my grasp, and slipped out to play again. Got them cleaned up after this shot though.
That sheers effect that seems to be the porch
walls is created by the amount of rain puring down the side of the house. Living in a trailer is interesting in a rain storm like this. The rain that can be so gently tapping on the time roof some days, sounds more like some one has a power drill
up there today! Since our trailer, like most actual trailers, is simply parked and had it's wheels removed, it sits three steps off the ground. I don't have to worry about rain coming in from the bottom up. Now getting to the car could prove to be another story. In our last house, the driveway flooded, and we literally had to wade through water to get to the car.
I am so much happier that this driveway does not seem to flood. A few puddles I can deal with. We can get to the car okay so far, and it seems that getting out of the driveway should be a simple task too.
I can say that I am very happy our yard is not flooding like the neighbors! Yes that is a gigantic puddle covering their whole driveway. No, they aren't stuck. Like most good country folk around these parts, they have three wheelers or quads
that they are taking out to get around to the store and take the kids to school.