My daughter said this photograph reminds her of a glass butterfly. I loved the pattern within the broken glass.
This actually used to be just a small piece of my 9" x 11" glass cake pan
. Do you know what happens to oven glass when you put it on a burner on the stove that is on? It explodes in a spectacular display of broken glass shards, and the most melodious sound of splintering glass. It really was a beautiful sight to take in. Cleaning it up, on the other hand, was not so beautiful. Luckily it was on the back of the stove top behind two pots
on the front burners, and no one was near the stove.
This spectacular display exploded off the front of the stove and continued on the floor. There is something about broken glass which just fascinates me. The angles of the shards, the splintering pattern of the cracks, the way it sparkles with any light... It is just gorgeous to look at.
I'll just try not to remember that I need to go buy a new cake pan while I admire it.