January 15th was my baby's seventh birthday. They grow up so fast. I swear it feels like just yesterday that he was crawling up into my lap to breastfeed.. okay, okay, so that really was two years ago. A couple of days ago Little A started asking for his first
two wheel bike
. I can't believe his first one needs to be a 20" bike. When did he get so big?! I have to admit I was relieved because I had not come up with an idea of what to give him for a birthday present yet. I hate buying stuff just to buy it.. his request came at just the perfect time. To make the whole thing even better, the J-man asked to have his
training wheels
taken off. That means I don't have to buy training wheels, just move them from one bike to the other. Yeah! Doesn't he look happy sitting up there on the new bike he picked out?! And wouldn't you know, big brother is not just sitting in the close background, but actually holding his little brother steady on the new bicycle. I love when they watch out for each other like that!
To go get the birthday boy's new bicycle we got into the car and went up this side of the mountain..
...and back down the other side of the mountain. Notice the road sign at the side of the road.
Here is a closer view for you... I love this road.. and the one leading out of the other side of the valley. Having a manual transmission car, I get to the top of the hill, and just push in the clutch and coast down. Mind you, I end up keeping my foot on the
most of the way down.. it is quite easy to achieve speeds over a hundred if you are not paying attention. Since the road does curve it's way back and forth, and it is not designed for those speeds, you will also find the all too familiar flowers and tributes along the edge of the road. This road is fantastic on the gas mileage! Of course we pay for it going back up it, but taking life one moment at a time, just enjoy the ride down...
Yes, that sign does say it is a 6% grade for the next five miles, and that is a warning for the
at the bottom of the hill. We pass by such exciting things as emergency truck pull offs. We drive through the mountain watching the rocks pass right outside the windows of our car. The drive is a fantastic training course in offensive driving, and occasionally in defensive driving.
As we pass over the mountain, every so often we see glimpses between the rocks of what lies beyond.. the vast expanse of low land with the river snaking its' way from north to south across the landscape..